Thursday 28 March 2013

The Walking Dead "Walk With Me" Review

Andrea and Michonne take the spotlight this episode as the main characters. We finally met The Governor and got a view of Woodbury. The opening shows scenes from a new group, a group of soldiers who were crashing. It's nice to see different groups that we have never seen before. I do have to note that we’ve had more than one nod to that helicopter that flew over Rick in Atlanta and here we had a helicopter show up. Is it the same helicopter? Who knows.

In the comic The Governor is introduced as a longhaired, mustached, Mexican man who is clearly trouble from the get-go. The TV series has gone for the exact opposite approach as far as the appearance of The Governor as he seems like a kind man to the audience. Woodbury seems almost like paradise in a zombie infested world.

We also get a bit of insight to the character of Michonne this episode , she clearly wasn’t revealing much about herself. Her portrayal as incredibly guarded and quiet was well done as we saw that she suspected something about Woodbury.

Good ol’ Merle also makes a comeback this season as Governor's right hand man (no pun intended). I love Michael Rooker and he gives another fantasic performance as Merle. His character seems a lot different, he's more calm and at least a bit less racist.

The final scenes reveals who exactly The Governor is, everything he showed Michonne and Andrea was a lie. Shooting and killing soldiers and taking their supplies and then lying to his people about what really happened, we saw that this is a man determined to have complete dominance and control and willing to go to any length to do so. David Morrissey is fantastic as The Governor, I liked his previous work as a sly, evil character, he plays it well. One thing I hated was the unrealistic ways the soldiers acted, they just stood there when a car zoomed right up and then stayed in the open as they got shot at. But apart from that it was a decent scene.

To end we also get a shot of the famous heads in the tanks, a nice touch that really showed he is not just evil, but in fact he's also a little crazy.

+Andrea and Michonne
+Merle returns
+The Governor is perfect
-Rookie soldiers
Overall a lovely introduction to some new and old characters, a solid performance by David Morrissey who proves he's worthy of the role. 8/10

Tuesday 12 March 2013

The Walking Dead "Sick" Review

The second episode of Season 3 kept up the momentum, with the continuation to save Hershel and the introduction of new characters in the form of prisoners. Some really good performances from these prisoners also, most notably Tomas and Axel.

We see Rick develop even further this episode yet again being the character that stood out this episode, everytime we see his darkside growing bigger and this episode does it on a huge scale. The interaction between Rick's group and the prisoners was by far the most interesting aspect of this episode, like a time bomb which ended up going off very quickly.

Many viewers felt worried that season 3 would slow down just like season 2 did for the first half, but episode 2 certainly disagrees with this and shocks viewers multiple times. It is extremely hard to say if "Sick" was better than "Seed" both are really close, for shock factor "Sick" wins hands down with so many unexpected moments. The talking scenes that dragged down last season are shorter and punchier, with greater impact in less words.

Lori yet again takes small steps in redeeming herself, showing that she is not always screwing over Rick, so far I have not rolled my eyes at anything Lori has said which is a good start. The Walking Dead has entered a new era, it feels like a new show. Every character feels revamped, Carl has now became a favourite of mine with some really stand out moments this episode. Everybody now feels like they have a spot on the show, T-Dog for example no longer feels like a character sitting in the background, even being a main focus this episode.

The Walking Dead has upped its game, becoming unpredictable maybe even the most unpredictable show on television, when I believe I have predicted what will happen I'm completely wrong everytime. I now have no idea what will happen and as a reader of the comic that is a great feeling to have.

Verdict - 10/10
+Otstanding Rick moments
+Rvamped Walking Dead
+Character development

The Walking Dead "Seed" Review

Some viewers thought Season 2 was too slow-paced, the season 3 premiere will answer this problem,  Walking Dead began this season with a bang. We get action right from the start, with non-stop zombie killing and still delivering a very convincing story.

Season 3 jumps ahead a few months from the past events, this really was a good idea as it explains why everybody has turned more badass, with Chandler Riggs being a growing boy it needs to be done as he will be changing every season getting much older.

The group finally arrive at the prison (they did not see it after all this time?) some really nice shots followed with the group running between two prison fences filled with zombies, which I think are my favourite shots for the episode. We then get some awesome zombie killing, I do believe everybody in the scene killed a zombie even Beth, this was a real action packed scene to say the least.

We then get a scene with Beth and Maggie singing around a campfire, I will be honest this was a little cheesey for my liking but it was interesting to see some of the interactions in this scene between characters.

We are now at the best scene in the episode and maybe one of the best scenes of the show yet, the final prison assault to get inside, I loved every second so many great moments. We can tell the detail really went into making these zombies spectacular in this scene. The riot gear zombies are maybe the highlight of the episode or as me and my friend called them "boss zombies" I actually laughed at scene, it was rather funny in a way which I think is what the creators wanted, they also felt like the stakes had been raised for the survivors even though it would be hard for the riot gear zombies to bite. Maggie soon realised how to dispatch with a simple knife straight up from the bottom of the chin, she then lets out a cute line, “Did you see that?!” this whole scene was incredible. We also get a rather gruesome zombies whose face comes off with its gasmask which made me feel a little sick but still I loved it.

Time to party everyone, Lori seemed kinda less iritating than usual in this episode, we even got a rather scary thought about the baby being dead inside her by a small chance, then eating her and ripping out from the inside.

Michonne and Andrea get very little time this episode, it was effective though as you do feel they are really cut off from the rest of the group and alone. Michonne though really did leave her mark decapitating two zombies at once with ease.

Fast forward a little we get the real big shocker of the episode, Hershel getting bitten and then having Rick cut his leg off to save him, I really did not expect this at all and I'm glad that they manage to shock a die hard fan like me so easily! The chopping of the leg was done well though, it had me looking away a little as Rick gave hack after hack to the leg.

As the episode ended, and Rick and his group, in a serious situation, we then see surviving prisoners, we get a funny line to end the episode  “Holy s**t” by a prisoner that pretty much sums up the entire episode.

 No real faults at all with this episode, absolute carnage all episode while still keeping an interesting story, this episode really raises the bar for the rest of the season. This episode proves we are in for a hell of a season!

Final Verdict - 9.8/10
+Awesome riot gear zombies
+shocking cliffhanger
+great character development
- cheesey campfire scene
-Did not see prison for all them months

Wednesday 6 March 2013

The Walking Dead Episode 4: Around Every Corner

Telltale Games has yet again raised the bar for The Walking Dead game series, Episode 4: Around Every Corner does what a good pre-finale episode should do, set up the most intense cliffhanger I have seen in a while.

Episode 4 takes place around 12 hours after Episode 3, the survivors arrive in Savannah and ready to make that final journey to find a boat and get the hell out. Events take the group on yet another adventure though.

This episode actually does not focus so much on the voice we heard on the walkie talkie at end of episode 3, instead the focus is the mystery behind the Crawford group who we learn are pretty evil people. This episode offers the finest conversations between Clementine and Lee, it is weird how every episode makes you love Clementine more and more (did not think this was possible)

This episode had really nice gun scenes in which Lee would go into first-person perspective, these moments really felt badass and handled much better than the Episode 3 gun scene; the gun scenes felt like my shots made in impact in terms of if I mess up it may cost lives.

Ben gets some really awesome moments which had me wanting to kill him, but in the end I realised what he did was all a huge mistake. Telltale Games did a great job with this sudden change of heart for me just like they did with Kenny in the past episodes.

Voice acting is at its best yet again, Clementine well on her way to winning character of the year, we feel the emotion coming out of the characters and straight into our cold heart.

Yet again this episode suffers from the slight lip syncing and screen loading in intense scenes, but this is forgivable as it really does not take away from the overall experience.

We can tell by the final statistics that our choices really have made a huge impact on the finale, I feel regret in some decisions I made this is not a bad thing as it means I'm invested in the rich story.

Overall, Episode 4 sets up for an epic finale to this amazing series, I cannot wait to play it! Episode 4 has maybe the most epic scenes yet and shows how The Walking Dead is not just a zombie story, but a story filled with emotion and it really is something special. If you have not played Telltale's The Walking Dead then this is the best time to start!

Final Verdict: 9.5/10
+Epic scenes
+Great way to end ready for finale giving a powerful cliffhanger
+Most interesting Clementine scenes yet
-Slight technical issues

I'm Back!

So yeah, I took a little break due to being too busy in real life. I plan to try catch up and review the episodes which I currently have not reviewed, not making any promises though. I do plan to put up a review for the latest episode of season 3 and I will continue to post the latest Walking Dead news!