Thursday 29 March 2012

Should Daryl Dixon Die?

Simply put no, Daryl is a fan favourite of the show I feel if he was killed off it may really hurt the show. The only way The Walking Dead could possibly get away with it is if the death was done really well, even then I feel that it may still be a disappointment for some. Looking from feedback about Daryl on various sites Daryl is the reason some people watch the show.
 People just get so attached to his character simply because he is a badass, as times go on we are going to see characters start to die. Daryl has so much more to give to the show, most importantly the scenes that are to come with him and Merle how will he react to seeing his brother again and how that will unfold. I feel the only possible way if the writers did write him out the show it would make more sense for him to leave the group and go elsewhere, this means the chance is always there for him to come back. If they did kill him it should only be on the very final episode, considering his character isnt even in the comics the show did a real good job of creating this guy!

Remember to as always share the blog and keep tuned for future posts and feel free to leave a blog suggestion in the comments!

First 100 Views!

I know 100 views may not seem much but I still see it as a milestone, hopefully I can continue to grow this blog further. I would love it if you could spread to the word to fellow Walking Dead fans, I'm hoping to get more content soon but since season 2 has finished and now waiting for season 3 dont get your hopes up for a blog everyday!

Thanks again anyways guys!

Wednesday 28 March 2012

The Walking Dead Video Game Thoughts

The Walking Dead game I have to say looks actually really good, the series makes its debut into the game industry and looks promising. The game looks as though it plays out like Heavy Rain being in the way the games gameplay is, I think this is a good way to take The Walking Dead into the gaming univese and gives the game a very cinematic vibe. The games graphics are very comic book inspired which I really love as it helps it relate more towards the comics.
The 10 minute gameplay reveal shows how intense a single zombie encounter can be unlike any other zombie infested game in which every zombie just feels like another piece of dead meat in the way to your goal. This is something I'm really excited to see as the show features many 1 on 1 battles between a zombie and a survivor but I'm sure we can expect some larger scale fights also so a mix I thinks really good to have.

 Telltale games are known for making some very to be honest, bad games but this game does look promising. We have been confirmed that choices made in the game will effect how the game can play out. These choices can be ranging from small effects to huge effects, this helps the game have a very involving story which has always been The Walking Deads strongest point.

We have also seen that we are not playing as Rick Grimes in this game but instead someone completely new, many believe this is bad but I think it makes a unpredictable, exciting and new expirience for players not just a retelling of Ricks story. I have high hopes for this game being an arcade game dont expect to pay much, so even if your unsure of the game it wont hurt to try and also a demo will be featured.

Below is a video that I will leave you with of the trailer, see what you think comment and follow if you enjoyed this blog and also remember to share thanks and goodbye!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Walking Dead social game coming soon!

Sometime next month we are expecting the release of the Walking Dead social game on Facebook which surprisingly looks like it could be really fun unlike other not to be named facebook games. Like most it seems the game is free but extras can be bought most likely in the form of energy like most social games, still this looks like a game I will most likely get addicted to and I guess many off you will also so look forward to this. Below is some screenshots of the game feel free to comment on your thoughts on this game.
Tank from series 1? maybe.

howing what you will be able to do with friends

Monday 26 March 2012

The Return of Morgan Jones

It is clear that Morgan will be making his way back into the story, it might not even be in season 3 depending on where the show goes. However, Robert Kirkman had this to say: “That character is out there. That’s a plot point that we don’t want to leave dangling too long but it’s got to make sense for the story for that to come back. That’s something we’re going to be working towards.”

Merle Dixon confirmation return in season 3

Micheal Rooker has confirmed that his character Merle Dixon is making a return in The Walking Dead season 3. We do not know in what form yet that it will be his actual character or yet another one of Daryl's imaginations we have to wait and see for that. It will be very interesting if it is his actual character though to see the groups reaction and obviously Rick wont want him to be part of the group, but most of all what will Daryls reaction be? I guess we have to wait and see my prediction is that Merle will be with the other group.

Make sure to keep tuned into the blog for the latest Walking Dead news and remember to tell your friends!

Sunday 25 March 2012

Walking dead season 2 best bits: Otis death

I have started a segment in which I will discuss the best scenes from season 2, to start I have chosen the death of Otis. This scene was so special as it was such an epic moment, we finally see the much darker side of Shane as he is willig to do anything to save Carl even to go as far as to take a mans life. I thought this scene was incredible and was so unexpected due to Ots living quite a bit longer in the comics. This scene itself made Shane the top character for me and is a real stand out moment so far in The Walking Dead.

Saturday 24 March 2012

The Walking Dead Season 2: Episode 13 Review

By and large, the events of the season’s finale, ‘Beside the Dying Fire,’ play into the idea of having a complete story arc contained within the runtime of a single episode. That’s not to say the episode didn’t leave plenty to speculate on, it certainly did, but those were glimpses of things to question and hold on to during the wait for season 3.
Episode 13 starts with a glimpse of how exactly the zombies got to Hershels farm, I really loved this sequence mainly for the fact it was freaking awesome to watch and we got to see a city again (yey!).
It then kicks in pretty much straight away into the action of Rick just about to explain what happened to Shane then BAM zombies! This episode was just what us fans love mindless zombie killing, the calamity of the situation is as compelling as anything The Walking Dead has so far put on screen, and with the back-to-back deaths of Dale  and Shane, it’s nice to see the show hadn’t lost its stomach for further thinning of the proverbial herd. Jimmy  and Patricia arguably had to depart, as their roles in the series were never really established. T-Dog finally got some time on the screen after not doing much this series, despite him not doing much I really love his character I loved how they linked to the start with T-Dog pretty much saying "lets go everyones dead we cant go back" which he did in episode 1 with Dale saying they should leave before the others get back maybe forshadowing future events.
With their numbers depleted, ammunition scarce and the safety and security of Hershel’s farm completely jeopardized, the group separates and flees. Rick, Hershel  and Carl are the first to arrive back where this storyline began: the crowded highway on which the group lost Sophia. There is a moment where Rick seriously considers making a run for it with just Carl by his side, but other survivors do end up turning up just before he goes. It seems like everyones back safe but wait? where is Andrea? oh thats right she got left behind and now is being chased by dozens of walkers. Andrea fights tooth-and-nail to survive, and although she is overwhelmed with exhaustion and nearly consumed by a single walker, Michonne (character featured from comic) comes to save her with her 2 iconic zombies by her side.
Meanwhile Rick reveals what Jenner in season 1 whispered in his ear, that everyone is already infected you die, you become a zombie, regardless of being bit or scratched by the undead. The group replies by saying "why didnt you tell us" but Rick says it was for the good of the group.

Just to kick him while he’s down, Lori  responds negatively to Rick’s account of Shane’s death. The season finale ends as it began, with a solid tease. The helicopter seen in the beginning of the episode was as intriguing than the glimpse of the prison standing a short distance from where the group had stopped for the night. And with that tease comes a clearer indication of what can be expected from season 3, which certainly works to end season 2 on a positive note.

Altogether fantastic episode, great ending and really helps get me hyped for season 3
this episode gets 10/10 best of the season.
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Thoughts On Shane and his Death

Sadly The Walking Dead has finished until autumn, but this season was a hell of a season with so many stand out moments. By far the best scene was Shanes death, for weeks we saw Shanes character turn more dark and twisted. It started when Rick returned in season 1 and from that point we saw Shane change as he realised he had been having a fling with Lori. Shane thought he could protect Lori and Carl unlike Rick who he believed was hopeless, Shane also knew that he was a better leader than Rick and could protect the rest of the group. I have to agree with Shane on the protecting the group situation, Rick wanted to let Randall go and we know if that happened that would spell doom for the group as he would go back to the 30 other survivors and tell them the farms location. The death of Shane was unexpected I thought that Shane would of survived for a little longer into season 3 but it was fantastic and a great ending to the character, much better compared to his death in the comic.
Shane turns into a rage filled monster
The way that it was Rick that kills Shane symbolises that Rick is now capable of doing whatever it takes to protect the rest of the group. I loved how Shane also came back as a zombie which I thought was really well done and then killed by Carl I thought this was great as it did relate to the comic of Carl shooting Shane. Altogether I believe this scene could of easily been the finale to season 2, I really hope that this will help develop Rick as a more badass character now. The actor of Shane, Jon Bernthal did a fantastic job in this role and has a promising career after his time in The Walking Dead.

Friday 16 March 2012

Welcome to the new Walking Dead blog which will constantly be updated with the latest news from the show and comic!