Saturday 24 March 2012

Thoughts On Shane and his Death

Sadly The Walking Dead has finished until autumn, but this season was a hell of a season with so many stand out moments. By far the best scene was Shanes death, for weeks we saw Shanes character turn more dark and twisted. It started when Rick returned in season 1 and from that point we saw Shane change as he realised he had been having a fling with Lori. Shane thought he could protect Lori and Carl unlike Rick who he believed was hopeless, Shane also knew that he was a better leader than Rick and could protect the rest of the group. I have to agree with Shane on the protecting the group situation, Rick wanted to let Randall go and we know if that happened that would spell doom for the group as he would go back to the 30 other survivors and tell them the farms location. The death of Shane was unexpected I thought that Shane would of survived for a little longer into season 3 but it was fantastic and a great ending to the character, much better compared to his death in the comic.
Shane turns into a rage filled monster
The way that it was Rick that kills Shane symbolises that Rick is now capable of doing whatever it takes to protect the rest of the group. I loved how Shane also came back as a zombie which I thought was really well done and then killed by Carl I thought this was great as it did relate to the comic of Carl shooting Shane. Altogether I believe this scene could of easily been the finale to season 2, I really hope that this will help develop Rick as a more badass character now. The actor of Shane, Jon Bernthal did a fantastic job in this role and has a promising career after his time in The Walking Dead.

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