Wednesday 1 August 2012

Why The Walking Dead Has Brought Life Back To The Zombie Character

George A. Romero brought zombies to our screen many years ago, since then we have seen many more creations in the zombie genre. From games to films and even books, over the years these have went downhill.

Resident Evil brought a successful representation of zombies even chucking in a really nice twist of all different super creations, since then though Resident Evil has fallen flat on its face. With a stream of terrible movies and games which are not close to as fun as the original games.

Films have gone downhill with some really lazy attempts at bringing zombies to our screen also, The Walking Dead proved though that George A. Romero had a winning formula and Kirkman has brought it back, he proves old style zombies can still be scary and gruesome.

Viewing figures prove that fans want what The Walking Dead gives, a zombie survival with the old scary zombies combined with an amazing storyline. With season 3 we will see these zombies yet again blow viewers away.

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