Saturday 21 July 2012

Something A Little Different: Batman Dark Knight Rises Review

I thought for a little change I did fancy doing a mini review for the new Batman film since I'm short
on Walking Dead news at the moment.  This review contains some spoilers which are major.

Christopher Nolan has done it again, he created a stunning finish to the trilogy, it is tough to imagine that a comic strip could have such an amazing film which is even enjoyed by non comic fans. You remain fixed to your seats through the entire run as this film always has something interesting happening.

The big bad guy this time is Bane, unlike Dark Knight which seemed like The Joker was the main focus we get a nice balance between Bane and Batman in the film. This film clearly links far more to Batman begins rather than The Dark Knight, it seems to have a large focus around ra's al ghul as the film is filled with links to him.

Yet again Christian Bale nails Bruce Wayne and Batman, Gary Oldman continues to prove why he’s one of the best actors in the world and the addition of Anne Hathaway and Tom Hardy are prefect. Much like I had to give praise to Heath Ledger for his performance as the Joker in the Dark Knight. Tom Hardy deserves just as much praise for his role as Bane. Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s character also was a real nice addition.

As a reminder, the final moments of The Dark Knight Rises provide closure to each of the main characters as they pertain to the trilogy. Some people have complained that it is too happy for this franchise. While they aren’t wrong, they are incorrect to assume it’s not completely appropriate. Bruce Wayne deserves to live, in all incarnations of the word. Alfred deserves to see Bruce. Fox deserves to have his faith rewarded. Selina deserves a fresh start, Blake deserves to take up the mantle.

The two most fiercely debated aspects of the ending are clearly Bruce’s future and Blake’s future. The one most ripe for discussion is clearly Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s John Blake. Nearing the end we find out that John Blake is actually called Robin (we all know where this is going). The comics suggest this character is dressed in a red and green suit. But Nolan is a visionary, and he understands that there is more to characters than the costumes they wear. So don’t devalue his work by simply saying, “John Blake is Robin.” I think we can find a lot more behind this character, I would not see him as simply comic Robin at all but as something much more complex.

 A little foreshadowing goes a long way. So, when Batman flies off into the ocean with the bomb it was clear what would happen. The film was setting us up for it pretty obviously. Fox constantly going on about the autopilot in the Bat. Alfred’s chat about the cafe. link this all together and we get the perfect scene of Alfred in the cafe seeing Bruce doing exactly what he wanted him to do.

I only had one simple problem the Bane voice, it had been re-dubbed due to being not able to understand him. In places I still struggled and also I thought some of the head movements of Bane did not fit well with what he was saying. This is my only real complaint.

All in all this film was amazing loved every second a fantastic ending to the trilogy - score - 9.5/10

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