Monday 30 April 2012

How Was The Military Overrun?

I think this is an interesting topic, we never get a really big picture on how the military got overrun. The problem is if anybody dies they become a walker despite being bitten it makes it impossible to keep under control, people die everyday. Areas in lockdown would mean some people may die within meaning it could spread from the inside of protected areas. The army most likely would run out of ammo, we are not just talking about a couple of waves of zombies it would be wave after wave due to the zombies being attracted by noise. In the end they would just be outrrun and the soldiers would be outnumbered short term I think they would do well but overtime the supply issues would be clear.

Sunday 29 April 2012

The Walking Dead: The Game - Episode 2 "Starving for Help" Trailer

As we saw episode 1 "A New Day" was a huge success in terms of telling a story, being engaging and most important fun! Episode 2 seems to form an interesting plot point which would be a big problem if something like this happened in real life. How would you keep a good amount of food if you are unprepared for an event like this? We see this episode includes conflict between some other group of people The Walking Dead has always been known for big conflicts take The Governor for example it shows that even in a world where humanity is dying bad people still roam the world.

I can't wait to see the options we get, can we pick who we may feed the choclate bar to? Will we have to decide on some persons fate again? I really hope so.

Below is the trailer for people who either have not finished the first episode or needs brought up to speed on what I am talking about.

Friday 27 April 2012

The Walking Dead Game: Episode 1 A New Day Review

This game I did not have high hopes for Telltale games in the past have made some pretty bad games, boy was I wrong this game blew me away. We should make two things clear here from the start: this is based primarily on the comics not the TV series, and features none of the same actors. It's also not a standard retail release, but a series of five episodic games which will come out monthly I believe. The first episode I finished in 2 - 3 hours since I played on the xbox it was 400 Microsoft points which I believe is about £3.50 or around $5 which to be honest you can pay a lot more to go see a film which may not even be good. The game also has multiple options which can change how the game plays slightly, not much though but we have been told they have massive effects in later episodes.

The Jurassic Park game released late last year was bad for the reason that it played out like a film with very little  interactivity for players. The Walking Dead game solves these problems,  it manages a much better balance between spectacle, storytelling, and puzzle-solving.

The focus of the game is a character called Lee Everett who's dark past is hinted at you progress. He isn't necessarily a bad person though and takes considerable effort to protect his child sidekick Clementine who he finds in a treehouse after she hid from her once babysitter. Clemintine is a perfect character I found myself ending up doing whatever it took to make sure she kept safe.

The main attraction of this game isn't the zombie killing, its the dialogue and character interactions that are the meat of the game. It was tough to decide with who I should side with at times and to make it even harder you are timed sometimes to pick, I loved this it was perfect as if it was real decisions would have to be made quick and there's no going back on your choices.

Interestingly, whatever choices you make don't affect the story very much but they do completely change the other characters' attitude towards you. This is important as I ended up making some very tough decisions which in turn made a certain character not think much of me and began to dislike me, this may affect me in future episodes its genius!

I love the art style as it resembles the comic in a way, fans of only the TV show may be put off by this which may be a shame. In places the flow of cutscenes can be a bit poor with some freezing screens for a couple seconds which sometimes took me out of the mood but nothing to serious to worry about.

I hope Telltale can keep up the quality in future episodes they do  have a tendency to vary wildly in quality from episode to episode but this first outing is the best thing they've done for years.

Verdict: It's a lot more wordy than you might expect from a survival horror, but it is the best zombie game since Left 4 Dead 2.  Excellent dialogue and voice acting, but art is not likely to appeal to everyone.

Score: A solid 9/10 AMAZING!

Monday 23 April 2012

The Walking Dead Review Issue 96: A Larger World Conclusion

In defense of Gregory, Rick has killed Ethan, a member of the Hilltop community who was sent by the mysterious Negan in order to save his girlfriend (or possibly wife). After a tense confrontation calms down, Jesus takes Rick’s group to the mansion in the center of town and tells them about Negan. This roaming madman demands half of everything the Hilltop produces in the way of supplies. Carl steps up and says if they were to kill Negan and his men, why not just give Rick’s people half of what they produce. Rick sweetens the deal by saying they wouldn’t even need that much. This gets Jesus thinking, and gives Rick the chance to strike a deal with the people of the Hilltop. Now all Rick has to do is convince the battle-hardened Andrea and Michonne that this plan is the way toward a future that would be the return of civilization.

This particular issue from Robert Kirkman really sneaks up on you. It’s a conclusion to a story, but instead of the usual big finale that leaves the group obviously changed from what they were before, there’s almost a sense of hope… But what gives that hope a bite is that it could come with a serious cost. Rick is completely won over by the operation of the Hilltop. He and Glenn seem to view the place as almost a paradise or an oasis in the vast wasteland. Rick sees the place as the way of the future. These people live together peacefully and happily (aside from the menace of Negan). They produce massive amounts of food and supplies and seemed to have built a fairly serious life.
By the end of the issue, we see exactly how much each character has changed. Glenn is tired of living in fear. He wants a good life for Maggie, Sophia, and himself. He sees the Hilltop as a place where he could grow old and contented. Michonne, who’s never exactly been warm and fuzzy, sees the place as a terrifying cult-like compound led by a man who seemingly holds the place in a sway through his charisma. Andrea believes the place is weak and beneath them and can’t believe that Rick would sacrifice any of their people to protect them from someone that they allowed to take from the Hilltop.

Rick, in an effective monologue gives his side of the story. In a parallel to how the television series concluded its second season, Rick finally tells them how he’s felt being their leader. He didn’t ask for it, he can barely do it without getting people killed or losing loved ones. Here, at the Hilltop, he sees this as the beginning of a new civilization. A place where repopulation can begin.
Ultimately, the four points of view of the Hilltop actually parallel exactly four facets of how Rick runs his group. People feel safe around Rick. They follow him blindly. They are often exposed and, through that exposure, they are weakened. The goal from the very beginning was to find safety and some sort of modicum of a life. All this sneaks into this issue and leads to a rousing finish that sets up the next phase of this series, but what really stuck out for me was Rick’s big plan for the people of the Hilltop. He wants to take their some 200 people and turn them into an army against marauders and walkers to build that safe world.

It’s particularly interesting to see where we’re heading. Lots of talk has started to turn toward issue #100 and promises of surprises and shocks. And what of this Negan? Is he truly as bad as he seems or could there be more to his story? I can hardly wait to find out what happens next! This issue helped build up to this 100th issue and I hope it delivers something huge only time can tell thanks for reading!

Issue gets 8.5/10

Sunday 22 April 2012

Jon Bernthal's Idea For Shanes Death

Watch this video and decide if you think this ending was better for Shane than the one they used.

I think that this idea was actually better than the one they went with, why? I think it's a better send off due to the fact it gives a greater story that infact Shane didn't want to kill Rick afterall and helps give the idea Shane isn't just a bad guy but wanted what was best for everyone.

Friday 20 April 2012

What I Want To See From Season 3

As you may know I can not wait for season 3, this season I believe will be some the best stuff we have seen. The whole Governor storyline was the highlight from the comics and I believe it will do the same for the show, I really want to see the story get more intense episode by episode and have some real amazing moments.

We need zombies! loads of them and as we have heard we are going to be expecting this. Many episodes in season 2 did lack zombies and many viewers did not enjoy the show as much because of it, in my opinion I did'nt mind it as I loved some of the time we got to see more of the characters and I think it helped us care for them more and not want them to die.

I hope that Michonne will do a good job in the show considering how much of an amazing character she is in the comics as she is just so interesting and I hope they picked the right actor for her part, I dont feel this is a worry because everyone cast in the show so far has been perfect.

I hope to see big twists in the story to help keep the show entertaining as to anybody that has read the comic will have a less exciting expirience if they know exactly what will happen. I wish to see scenes that make me think "Wow I did not expect that"

Ricks group is quite small now considering all the deaths we have had so I really want more characters to be introduced to his group, I dont just want Michonne (even though she will be awesome) I want maybe some prisoners to be found within the prison maybe.

Last but not least I want to see Lori die for the love of god, she is just so hated I do not know anybody that likes her. So we can hope and pray

Wednesday 18 April 2012

My Top 5 All Time Favourite Characters From The Walking Dead (T.V Show Does Contain Spoilers)

5. Dale
Dale was such a great character as he is just so interesting, the story of how he is the last in the group who seems to off maintained his humanity and still believes in what is right. He added to many of the great scenes and stories, most often in season 2 my favourite by far was his role as the guy who knows what kind of guy Shane is. The death though I believe was not well done as he had so much that could be done with his character. Due to him wanting to leave this felt lie a really cheap death and the worst scene I would believe in The Walking Dead no build up to the death.
4. Andrea
Andrea I do admit I hated at first for obvious reasons such as shooting Daryl and almost killing him, but as season 2 goes on I really started to love Andrea. for 2 reasons, she became such an interesting character and the other reason was down to her turning into a badass. I really loved her in the final episode of season 2 with her many awesome zombie kills! I hope she can continue to improve and she may even move up in the list!
Daryl I do not believe is not in anybody's top 5, he's such a great character considering he is not featured in the comic books. I just really like the way his character has evolved over the 2 seasons we have had so far and I cross my fingers that he never dies! I think it will be really interesting how he reacts to his brother returning which I believe we will see in season 3.

2. Rick

Rick the main "good guy" of The Walking Dead he's got a really good story behind him having a power struggle in the group, people doubting his leadership of the group. I loved his story also of his wifes baby maybe not even being his. I can't wait for him to become much more heartless ( A bit like Shane became I suppose) I think the way his character evolved in the character was amazing I hope the show can do the same.

 1. Shane
 Shane by far is my favourite, he is a outstanding edition to show considering his short time in the comic I'm glad they decided to include him in the show. The actor Jon Bernthal could not of done a better job and was perfect for the role! His character was interesting due to his development during his time on the show until becoming nothing but a cold blooded survivor who wants nothing but want Lori and Carl as his own instead of Rick. I believe his death helped Rick get across and also helped evolve his character which we will see in the 3rd season.

This list will most likely change in season 3 I can see Michonne getting on the list feel free to comment on your favourites and share thanks again!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Q&A from Emily Kinney (Beth Greene)

Credit to:
Nebraska native Emily Kinney, who plays Beth Greene on AMC's The Walking Dead, explains why her home state would be the ideal place to ride out the apocalypse and describes what it's like to see a walker chatting on a cell phone.
Q: You're a musician in addition to being an actress. Steven Yeun plays guitar. Did you two ever jam on set?
A: We had a guitar on set and when we were just sitting around we'd sing a little. Steven always wanted to sing harmony! One of the first nights I played for everyone was the Fourth of July. Steven and Lauren [Cohan] and a bunch of us went to go watch fireworks in the pouring rain and we decided to go inside and he had a guitar. After that I did kind of start playing for people.
Q: You grew up in Nebraska, and in the Midseason Premiere Dave says "there's a reason it's called a flyover state." How did you react to the dig?
A: I thought that was funny because I've heard people say that before! I live in New York City now, but my parents love living in small towns. They love the lifestyle, getting to know their neighbors and being close to family. And I have had friends who are like, "Why would anybody move away from Nebraska?" But there is nothing to do there.
Q: Would you rather ride out the apocalypse in New York City or Nebraska?
A: I want to say Nebraska -- it'd be like Hershel's farm. I did grow up in a place that was really close to what Hershel's farm is like, in this little town called North Bend, Nebraska. It's surrounded by farmland with a little over 1,000 people. But then there's something about New York and New Yorkers, who are tough and know how to do what they have to do. So I feel having some New York friends would be a good thing too.

Q: You're one of the younger actresses on set. Did you get any wisdom from the veterans?
A: I don't know if they specifically gave me advice, but you can't help but talk to them about the difficulties they've had. I also feel like I learned a lot from just watching how they did their scenes. When we arrived on set, right away it felt like we were sort of Scott Wilson's daughters. He invited us to dinner and loved telling stories about other movies he was in.
Q: On the show you play Maggie's little sister. How did your relationship with Lauren Cohan compare?
A: I'm the middle child and I have a really great older sister. I definitely related to that dynamic. Lauren and I became like that on set: We'd talk about boys and clothes and hang out.
Q: Did you find that the walkers were any different in person than how they seemed as a viewer?
A: It was pretty funny to have a break and see zombies on their cell phones or smoking a cigarette -- doing normal things. And then you'd see them on set, like oh, the zombie that is stuck in the mud is the guy that I was just talking to about their kids in the van!
Q: Would you say you were relieved or upset that you didn't get to kill a walker this season?
A: At first I was just so happy to have survived myself. But now watching the show, I have to kill a zombie! I feel like it will make me a stronger character. I don't know if I will, but I'm hoping!

Monday 16 April 2012

TDog Set To Play A Bigger Role In The Walking Dead

TDog as we know has done very little compared to everyone else in season 2 (if you have not seen the jokes on the internet), I'm glad this is happening he has been standing in the background a lot so I'm really happy they will be giving him a bigger role in the show. I actually really like TDog I dont know why, maybe its just some of his (short but cool) lines some of which really added to the show mainly him saying both to Dale at the start of season 2 and Lori at the end "lets just go forget evertone else". I really like this from the character and maybe build on this.

Its true :(

Lauren Cohan Promoted To Series Regular For Season 3

Lauren Cohan is heading into The Walking Dead‘s third season with very good news
The actress — who throughout the AMC smash’s killer second season as Hershel’s eldest daughter, Maggie — has been elevated to a full-fledged series regular.

While the promotion would seem to indicate that Glenn’s sweetheart will figure prominently in the show’s upcoming third season, it by no means guarantees she’ll make it out of the season alive (Hopefully she does I love her!) The Walking Dead‘s 16-episode third season, set to premiere this fall, will likely be divided into two parts (much the same way Season 2 was).  “Getting eight-and-eight will almost be like doing two seasons a year, which is cool.” said Robert Kirkman. So expect to see a lot more from Lauren Cohan in the future of The Walking Dead

Sunday 15 April 2012

'Walking Dead' producers tease season three premiere

The Walking Dead executive producers Glen Mazzara and Robert Kirkman have revealed some details about the third season premiere.

Speaking at a TV Academy panel in Los Angeles, Mazzara confirmed that he had just finished work on the script for the episode and dropped a few hints about its content, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Mazzara said: "It's pretty dynamic and action-packed with tons of zombies, but also a lot of quieter moments and a lot of heart.

"This is a group of survivors, a family that has come together and they have no good options, no place to go and they're really trying to keep themselves alive, and keep each other alive.

"You can see how desperate they are; they're clinging to each other. It's those moment of human interaction and heart that are important."

Kirkman implied that the season would be a good one for fans of the original comic series, saying: "For comic fans, they know the good stuff is coming. The really intense stuff with Michonne, the Governor and Woodbury [prison] really defined the comic book series and we haven't even gotten to that stuff yet.

"Now that we're getting to that stuff in season three, it's really going to change the show quite a bit."

Kirkman went on to get slightly more specific, teasing that a memorable moment from the comic book series will feature in the premiere, but that it will involve a different character than the comic's version.

He teased: "There will be cases where something memorable... will be displaced and given to somebody else.

"I'll hint that that actually happens in our first episode back in season three - something memorable that happened to a character in the comic is happening in the show in our first episode back, and it's not the same character."

The show's third season will be set in the town of Woodbury, it has been confirmed.

The Walking Dead will return to AMC later this year, and airs on FX in the UK

short bit of news on rebranding + extra

First just wanted to say decided to rebrand my blog to help it stand out going for either BrainDead or also a couple other ideas so see that changing in the next couple of weeks getting a design done for the banner. Hope to get a lot more news out even if only a minor piece of news but try have something everyday at least even if its just a Walking Dead fans artwork, video etc for The Walking Dead. First piece of this is a video by SuperJacksonHill, he made a great video tribute for shane that I really liked so enjoy!

Saturday 14 April 2012

WALKING DEAD Season 2 Special Edition DVD Case By McFarlane Toys

 The Walking Dead special edition blu ray is amazing, it is a well crafted and fantastic looking piece that any huge fan of The Walking Dead should look into buying. The case is made by a great toy company McFarlane Toys they make great toys such as the official Walking Dead action figures and also other products such as the Halo series figures, all great quality products. No surprise to see they did good with this piece, the detail is amazing from every piece of gore to my personnal favourite bit the teeth which simply put look awesome! This zombie of course is the zombie in season 2 episode 1 "What Lies Ahead" which attacked Andrea in Dales RV until facing the power of a screwdriver to the eye. As we see from the second image it opens up to reveal the blu ray case for season 2 of The Walking Dead also in a limited edition case. What else to be featured is not 100% known yet but I expect it will be deleted scenes maybe and also behind the scenes. Thats all guys comment,share as always and feel free to leave suggestions for other blog posts!


"Chill we got 300 views"
Just wanted to say my views have gone up a hell of a lot quicker and I hopes it continues! Thanks again remember to keep spreading the word by liking and sharing, I'm also going to be rebranding the blog to help it stand out please leave name suggestions etc!

Thursday 12 April 2012

'Walking Dead' comic lives to see 100

Not many comics can say they made it to 100 issues but The Walking Dead will reach that milestone in the summer. Boosted by the success of the AMC television adaptation, The Walking Dead is the highest-selling trade-paperback and hardcover series in comics  last month, it took all 10 spots on Amazon's top 10 list of graphic novels. So Kirkman wanted the 100th cover to be worthy enough for a landmark not many indie comics obtain. The image, by series artist Charlie Adlard is really amazing it features all the characters that have been killed during the first 100 issues, ranging from friends of Rick to his biggest enemy so far the Governor and even his wife Lori.

Issue 100 falls right in the "dead center" of what he calls the "craziest" story arc so far in the comic series, a bloody affair that finds Rick and his group of survivors thriving in a (seemingly) safe community, much like they did at the prison.

Kirkman has been hard at work on writing the comic since fall of 2003, yet Kirkman still feels like he's on issue 10.

"I really do want to do this for decades," he says. "I'm thrilled that it still feels like I have a full tank of gas." We can see that The Walking Dead still has a huge future ahead.

Remember to comment,share to help spread the word and if you enjoy the blog please follow!

Sunday 8 April 2012

almost forgot if you have a post request please leave it in a comment!

First Ever Post Request!: Who Will Replace Shane On The Intro?

As we know since Shane is no longer in The Walking Dead who will replace him in the intro? I believe two ideas, either the Shane will be redone to smply show some more shots of the city or maybe even the prison. The second idea is I believe Michonne will be put in that place instead since she is such a major character as we will see coming into the show.
Please share, comment, follow and leave your ideas on what will happen with the intro!

Friday 6 April 2012

The End Of Lori?

Television shows always like to play down casting news when it affects them. The company line goes something like this: "Oh, just because [actor] got cast in [new pilot] doesn't mean the character is going to be [eaten by zombies/get his face blown up by a wheelchair bomb/have his head cut off by a boy king]! Fans shouldn't worry about this news, it's nothing!" Meanwhile, their palms are sweaty and their teeth are chattering because they know their hit show just got spoiled.
Remember when The Walking Dead's Jon Bernthal was cast in TNT's LA Noir? AMC dismissed it as nothing to note. Next thing you know, Shane is getting stabbed in the woods and then shot in the head. Now the same casting doom is happening with another cast member: Sarah Wayne Callies, who plays Lori Grimes.

Will this be the end for Lori only time can tell, my hopes are yes she is just such a bad character just like the comics she was made easy to hate which will make the death all the more sweet.

Thursday 5 April 2012

David Morrissey is 'excited' to join The Walking Dead

David Morrissey says he is 'very excited' to be joining the cast of zombie drama The Walking Dead, but admits there is little he is allowed to say about his character The Governor.

Sunday 1 April 2012

The Walking Dead Comic Review: Issue 95 A Larger World Part Three

When Rick and his gang of survivors first found a  secure and safe community, Robert Kirkman began to construct an illusion of safety. For a while, it seemed as if The Walking Dead was going to end on a good note, Rick felt safe, Carl was healthy and most of the survivors were as content as one could be during the apocalypse. However, as soon as things seemed at harmony, Kirkman began pulling loose the threads that constructed the very same sense of amity. The Walking Dead #95 is the culmination of the slow unraveling that has been occurring since the survivors stumbled upon their new community. This issue finally shreds all hope for survival and introduces us to a brand new hell.

This issue looks as if it will break into another big fight just like we saw with the governor, Robert Kirkman understands the importance of anticipation. Few writers have the skills or patience to build a sense of dread like Kirkman has in the past few issues of The Walking Dead.

I'm glad that even though the T.V show is on the go that Kirkman is not slacking with the comics as they are still an amazing read. I hope Kirkman continues to make this comic as good as it has been for years to come.

Overall in this comic:
good character development
great continuation of this new story arc looking really good so far
This issue gets 9.5/10

remember to share,comment to spread the word of this blog to fellow fans of The Walking Dead!