Friday 6 April 2012

The End Of Lori?

Television shows always like to play down casting news when it affects them. The company line goes something like this: "Oh, just because [actor] got cast in [new pilot] doesn't mean the character is going to be [eaten by zombies/get his face blown up by a wheelchair bomb/have his head cut off by a boy king]! Fans shouldn't worry about this news, it's nothing!" Meanwhile, their palms are sweaty and their teeth are chattering because they know their hit show just got spoiled.
Remember when The Walking Dead's Jon Bernthal was cast in TNT's LA Noir? AMC dismissed it as nothing to note. Next thing you know, Shane is getting stabbed in the woods and then shot in the head. Now the same casting doom is happening with another cast member: Sarah Wayne Callies, who plays Lori Grimes.

Will this be the end for Lori only time can tell, my hopes are yes she is just such a bad character just like the comics she was made easy to hate which will make the death all the more sweet.

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