Sunday 29 April 2012

The Walking Dead: The Game - Episode 2 "Starving for Help" Trailer

As we saw episode 1 "A New Day" was a huge success in terms of telling a story, being engaging and most important fun! Episode 2 seems to form an interesting plot point which would be a big problem if something like this happened in real life. How would you keep a good amount of food if you are unprepared for an event like this? We see this episode includes conflict between some other group of people The Walking Dead has always been known for big conflicts take The Governor for example it shows that even in a world where humanity is dying bad people still roam the world.

I can't wait to see the options we get, can we pick who we may feed the choclate bar to? Will we have to decide on some persons fate again? I really hope so.

Below is the trailer for people who either have not finished the first episode or needs brought up to speed on what I am talking about.

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