Friday 20 April 2012

What I Want To See From Season 3

As you may know I can not wait for season 3, this season I believe will be some the best stuff we have seen. The whole Governor storyline was the highlight from the comics and I believe it will do the same for the show, I really want to see the story get more intense episode by episode and have some real amazing moments.

We need zombies! loads of them and as we have heard we are going to be expecting this. Many episodes in season 2 did lack zombies and many viewers did not enjoy the show as much because of it, in my opinion I did'nt mind it as I loved some of the time we got to see more of the characters and I think it helped us care for them more and not want them to die.

I hope that Michonne will do a good job in the show considering how much of an amazing character she is in the comics as she is just so interesting and I hope they picked the right actor for her part, I dont feel this is a worry because everyone cast in the show so far has been perfect.

I hope to see big twists in the story to help keep the show entertaining as to anybody that has read the comic will have a less exciting expirience if they know exactly what will happen. I wish to see scenes that make me think "Wow I did not expect that"

Ricks group is quite small now considering all the deaths we have had so I really want more characters to be introduced to his group, I dont just want Michonne (even though she will be awesome) I want maybe some prisoners to be found within the prison maybe.

Last but not least I want to see Lori die for the love of god, she is just so hated I do not know anybody that likes her. So we can hope and pray

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