Thursday 17 May 2012

How The Daryl And Merle Confrontation Should Go In Season 3

I think this is the most interesting thing or at least in the top 5 things that I want to see in season 3 or maybe season 4 if they decide to hold it back that long. The reason is that we know Daryl was pissed that they left Merle on that roof but now Daryl has managed to become part of this group and be liked by its members due to how much of an asset he actually is to the group. Will he still be loyal though if his brother comes back? I think so I really don't think he will turn his back on Rick's group and I think it will be Daryl who kills Merle in the end.

Little extra this week for the Daryl fans here is a video from  really cool Daryl video.

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